Don’t be the villain inside the Cinema Hall!

2 min read

Cinema Hall
cinema hall

This is not a rare experience and people often are fed up with such indiscipline behavior in a Cinema hall. Much like the villains you watch onscreen, these people are villains inside the theatres who disrupt your watching experience. There are some strict rules one must adhere to while watching a movie. We thought of stating these out here as the number of people who come to cinemas just for the sake of it, interrupting other’s movie watching experience by minding their own ‘loud businesses’ are increasing day by day.

1. Forget the digital demons in your pockets


Mobile phones are the digital demons that play the role of main antagonist inside cinema halls. Make sure to silence the mobile phones as soon as you enter the cinema hall. We understand this latest trend of shooting the title card and even more by sitting inside a cinema hall. Don’t be the Villain of a movie maker’s life by encouraging piracy. Tolerate the urge to shoot movie scenes and totally forget about your phones till the end credits roll. (For a little bit more if it’s a Marvel movie.) Let your girlfriend know you are in a cinema hall and proudly breakup with her of she forces you to stay online during a movie. (Because that’s what heroes do.)

2. Munch in Silence

eating in a cinema hall

Imagine you are watching Anabelle. A spooky scene is being played with absolute silence. You are totally expecting for the demonic doll to come up with a jumpscare. The man next you pops open an air filled bag of chips, making you jump, almost having a heart attack. The next time you see such a man, ask him not to be the Anabelle in the hall. Or better, don’t be that man.

Especially as a movie resumes after the intermission, the next 15 minutes in the hall witnesses the noisy music of munching and slurping. Even though this can’t be totally avoided, much silently. Let others watch the movie peacefully, uninterrupted, as you can devour the snacks with maximum silence.

3. Finger on the lips!


Less talk, more fun must be the mantra everyone should be following once they enter the theatre. Sound systems such a Dolby Atmos are installed in the halls for an immersive experience. You don’t have to up the game by competing with those gigantic speakers by talking aloud amidst the movie. Respect the artform and enjoy the experience embracing unnecessary talking. Ofcourse, don’t keep your emotions to yourself while watching a commercial movie. Jump up, hoot, whistle, go crazy! But don’t talk as something serious goes onscreen. It’s much like finding a stone while devouring a tasty meal during the peak of hunger.

4. Point out Politely


If you notice someone disrupting your movie experience, express your feelings politely to them. Let them know you are being disrupted and they must keep their phones down. If you notice them talking, let them know them can talk much quietly or not talk at all. Express. Don’t always keep silence. Most times it’s your tolerence that ignite such behaviour more in a cinema halls.

5. Cinema Hall is not a Babycare centre

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Again, come back to Anabelle. Onscreen, a baby is sleeping peacefully in a cradle, all alone, unattended at night. An eerie music starts. You are tensed. Out of nowhere a baby starts screaming inside the hall. As you wonder whether this is some latest 20D experience, jumping off the seat, you notice an actual baby wail it’s heart out in the theatre.

Don’t be that parent who bring babies and kids into the theatres. Cinema halls are nkt meant for toddlers. The loud noise night startle them and can even be harmful for them. If you can’t watch a movie without them, don’t. Respect other moviegoers and stay away from such public spaces. As harsh as it might sounds, cinema halls are strictly not for babies. Listening to angry birds purr loudly from a mobile game handled by a toddler while you watch a tragic drama onscreen is not at all a tolerable thing.

Cinema is an Experience!

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More than an art, cinema is an experience. Anything that disrupts the experience must be discouraged in a cinema hall. It is how you can show respect towards an artform. Theatre owners must take action against such indiscipline behaviour inside cinema halls. Strict restrictions for kids below a specific age, restrictions for alcoholic audience and usage of phone camera can make such bitter experience stop for a certain extent.

Pro tip: If the man next to you continues to use mobile phone even after multiple warnings, let him see his phone fly away on free air.