Guardians of the Galaxy Movie Review πŸ‘πŸ‘

2 min read

One Line Review: Guardians of the Galaxy is a separate universe of its own with laughter, love, acting, and strong characters as its fundamental elements.

 Guardians of the Galaxy
(2014) on IMDb

Youtube Trailer Guardians of the Galaxy

Starring: Chris Pratt, Dave Bautista, Zoe Saldana, James Gunn

Director: James Gunn

Release Date: 1 August 2014

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Today, we’re going to talk about a separate and unique movie from all the MCU movies. Yes, you heard it right. This isn’t your typical superhero movie. In fact, this movie has so much going on in it that you need to have laser focus to grasp it all. Let’s dive in and find out what this movie has to offer.

Iconic dialogues from this movie

Rhomann Dey: Your criminal records have also been expunged. However, I have to warn you against breaking any laws in the future.

Rocket Raccoon: Question. What if I see something that I wanna take and it belongs to someone else?

Rhomann Dey: Then you will be arrested.

Rocket Raccoon: But what if I want it more than the person who has it?

Rhomann Dey: Still illegal.

Rocket Raccoon: That doesn’t follow. No, I want it more, sir. Do you understand me? [to Gamora] What are you laughing at? What? I can’t discuss with this gentleman?

Critic Reviews

β€œContains all the excitement and adventure one would expect from a Marvel superhero movie, but the glue that holds this ragtag band of outlaws together is the humor.” Mike Massie

Plot Summary

Peter Quill escapes from Morag with an Orb that Ronan wants desperately because of its powers. To escape from and defeat Ronan, Peter forms a group of people who have superpowers. But when He finds out that the orb has cosmic powers that can destroy the universe, he decides to deal with the orb and prevent it from causing any harm.

New Benchmark for MCU

The director took the movie on a very different path from the rest of the Marvel movies. Interestingly, in the front, the closest to otherworldly ideas in this series were armor and a person who turned green when angry; now we have alien ships, talking raccoons, sentient trees, robotic assassins, and lady green ninjas. This movie is just one of many examples of Marvel’s passion for using the quirky side of its mythology to showcase its rich history.

Cast’s performances and their character profile

Chris Pratt plays Star-Lord, who likes to pretend to be a hooligan, but deep down, he is more concerned and has a deep emotional wound. And he is still a fascinating person, which is not bad. At the same time, Saldana’s Kamora is a more serious person than Quill, but she also has a strict code of honor and the trouble of being the daughter of Thanos. Drax is also a man of dignity, but he is a bit out of place; he takes things too literally, which leads to great comedic moments.

Rocket, played by Bradley Cooper, is a selfish and joking bastard, so I love him. Its CGI never looks out of place, and it looks as realistic as a talking raccoon. Vin Diesel stands out as Groot. He only said three words in the whole movie, but we can still get a full range of emotions and personalities from his expression and tone. He is a kinder person than the Rockets and loves money and friends who help him.

A separate universe

A big advantage of Guardians is that if you want to jump into this movie, you don’t need to watch any previous MCU movies. Except for some sketches of the appearance of the characters and the background story of Infinite Gems (the third of which made his debut in this role, the Power Gems), the Guardians are mostly independent, and you should be able to follow Taylor Bates easily. He makes significance for this movie, and when the situation demands it, he manages to sell good music.

The addition of music gives the Guardian a taste that makes it stand out primarily in sci-fi movies. Like other MCU movies, all actions are done very well, and the final battle is an excellent display of visual effects and music.


Guardians of the Galaxy Review
Guardians of the Galaxy Review

There are two volumes in this series. Both are equally funny, sarcastic, romantic, and reverent in nature. The good news is there’s a third one in production right now and will come in 2023. No kidding, we have really very high expectations from it. Can’t wait to see it.