Ava Movie Review

1 min read

One Line Review: Had potential but pretty average.

(2020) on IMDb
YouTube Trailer Ava

Starring: Jessica Chastain, Colin Farrell

Director: Tate Taylor

Release Date: July 2020


What’s it About?

Welcome to the review of a movie that was ruined by Netflix and its editors. You’ll see why. But let me tell you a bit about the lead character, Ava is an assassin, a pretty dangerous one, who is now under the target of her own boss because she has her own methods of working which her boss isn’t very fond of.

The movie had a lot of flaws and the bizarre thing was Netflix gave away the majority of plot points in the trailer itself. I rate this movie a 5.5/10


Ava is an assassin who was hired by an old man who used to run the black ops organization she works for. Her new boss finds out that she is breaking the protocol of the organization; not to talk with the target.

Which really pisses off the boss. He gives her a warning and let her go the first time. But as she continues to do the same things, her boss sends his other assassins to assassinate her.

What’s to Like/DisLike?

Jessica Chastain ?

It’s Chastain who saved this movie from being a disaster. Her charisma and charm keep the film alive otherwise this film is quite dull and thrill-less. I mean, from the beginning of the story, you can tell what is going to happen. The plot was pretty obvious and has nothing particularly catching to it.

Trailer Gaffe ?

They gave away the climax in the trailer! Can you believe it? At first, everyone thought that it is bait, but when they saw the movie it turned out to be true. They literally showed Ava killing her enemy in the final scene of the trailer. What else is left to watch? Maybe it was a mistake but who cares, the movie is ruined. Forever!

Farewell Words

Apart from the fact that they killed all the suspense in the trailer itself and its dull and suspense-less plot, there’s a personal story of Ava running alongside the main plot which was the only good thing that happened to it.

If you’re going to watch this movie any time soon, then go for it. I won’t stop you. But do not set high expectations otherwise, you’ll get disappointed. Like those 880k people.